
Last activity: 2 Aug 2019 4:40 EDT
Automation unit test cases for Circumstanced rules
Hi All,
I created circumstanced Data transform with criteria(to run) that is defined in Circumstance template and Circumstance Definition(defined as property).
It works absolutely fine when DT is triggered from any other rule in run time by passing the required property values in a calling page. At run time Pega picks up the right DT according to the property value passed.
I created AUT's for the same circumstanced DT's and passed the required property(to decide which DT to be picked up) in Set up DT of the test case.
I ran the same and i see that Pega always picks up the base version of circumstanced DT even after we pass the correct property value definition on RunRecordPrimaryPage.
It would be great if some one can help me to understand this behavior and let us know if have to make some other change for it to work.
Otherwise, I can think off raising an SR for this bug if it is considered as one.