
Last activity: 23 Feb 2021 13:07 EST
Automation testing for pega application v7.4
Recently we planned to test the pega application using automation testing tool.
Pega generates the id every time newly for the application form so the recorded script is not working as expected. Getting below error message
Unable to find the element located by ‘By.xpath: //h3[@id=‘headerlabel5991’]’. Please recheck the objects properties to make sure the desired element is located.
Any idea how we can fix this issue, each time when the automation script run the header id for the layouts are generated newly, so the script throws error.
We are planning to use Katalon tool for our testing, can someone share the experience if you have used for your application.
Also Pega Test ID generated for dynamic layouts are getting changed after making changes to sections.
Due to this script written for the automation failing ...Any idea will test id change when we amend/ add some thing in the section ?