
Capgemini Technology pvt ltd
Last activity: 20 Sep 2019 9:33 EDT
Automating the Download bar in IE
Hi All, Im trying to automate the download bar in IE and the readymade script is already there in community but it is working when operating system is windows 7 not in windows 10. same script i tried in win7 it is clicking "Save as" but it is not clicking in windows 10 and it is giving the exception like "object is not set to an instance". when i debugging the code, it is giving the exception here, splitButton is giving null. AutomationElement splitButton = aeDownloadToolBar.FindFirst(TreeScope.Descendants, new PropertyCondition(AutomationElement.NameProperty, "")); please let me know if it differing from win7 to win10? Thank you!! Regards, Madhu Balineni.
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated Platform Capability***