
Last activity: 3 Dec 2018 6:34 EST
Auto generating HTMLs for Radio buttons in different Pega rules (Section and List view)
Hi -
Our project team is using Pega 7.4 platform and we are trying to do a automation testing tool for our application. The tool will be designed in such a way that to identify either ID or NAME elements of the HTML tags that creates from controls in Pega sections.
Example:- Radio button. The tool will try to identify the radio button used in application by using either of ID or NAME tag (from auto generated HTML) that is used in the entire application. So all of the radio buttons used should be identified either of ID or NAME not BOTH.
But we could see the radio button that is used in the Pega sections and List View are identified by ID tag and NAME tag respectively.
We jsut need the below information to make the Automation tool in global way to find the controls by either ID or NAME HTML tags.
1. How these Pega out of box concepts/controls used in the sections are working/generating the HTML tags(ID and NAME)?
2. Is there any other way we can get a global/common element to identify the controls used from HTML tags?
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Updated SR details***
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****