
Royal Bank of Canada
Last activity: 29 May 2019 8:24 EDT
Attaching files from Internet Explorer
I am trying to attach some documents in our work flow. After the attach mail button is clicked, new window screen is getting open to select the files, I am not able to interrogate that screen.
Please guide me how we can interrogate window screen if it is open by web application. as we have one fix path, which means we have to enter path location in search section and select files and click on add
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Here you need two adapters as clicking on website should be handled by web adapter and clicking on Open window should be handled by windows adapter. Always start Web adapter and then start windows adapter, then only Window screen controls can be interrogated.
Steps to Configure both Adapters:
1. Create a web adapter. In web adapter properties perform below changes.
- StartMethod = MonitorAll
- StartPage=
- HookChildProcesses= True
2. Create a windows adapter. In windows adapter properties perform below changes.(in "Arguments" property specify "StartPage" property that you have specified in web adapter)
- Arguments=
- Path=C:\Program Files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe
- HookChildProcesses= True
Steps to Start Interrogation:
1. Click on Start Interrogation button on Web Adapter. wait till bulls eye pops out.
2. Click on Start Interrogation button on Windows Adapter.
Note: Follow above steps in specified order.
You will be having two bulls eye windows for two adapters. You should be able to interrogate using windows adapter bulls eye window.
Here you need two adapters as clicking on website should be handled by web adapter and clicking on Open window should be handled by windows adapter. Always start Web adapter and then start windows adapter, then only Window screen controls can be interrogated.
Steps to Configure both Adapters:
1. Create a web adapter. In web adapter properties perform below changes.
- StartMethod = MonitorAll
- StartPage=
- HookChildProcesses= True
2. Create a windows adapter. In windows adapter properties perform below changes.(in "Arguments" property specify "StartPage" property that you have specified in web adapter)
- Arguments=
- Path=C:\Program Files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe
- HookChildProcesses= True
Steps to Start Interrogation:
1. Click on Start Interrogation button on Web Adapter. wait till bulls eye pops out.
2. Click on Start Interrogation button on Windows Adapter.
Note: Follow above steps in specified order.
You will be having two bulls eye windows for two adapters. You should be able to interrogate using windows adapter bulls eye window.
I see you have attached Chrome screenshot, of the windows control. But I hope you were requesting steps to interrogate. Hence try to interrogate with either of the adapters.

Pegasystems Inc.
Please have look into below link.

Royal Bank of Canada
I tried both possibilities,
HookChildProcesses property on the WebAdapter is set True but it doesn't work.
I still not able to interrogate popup window for attaching some documents
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Here you need two adapters as clicking on website should be handled by web adapter and clicking on Open window should be handled by windows adapter. Always start Web adapter and then start windows adapter, then only Window screen controls can be interrogated.
Steps to Configure both Adapters:
1. Create a web adapter. In web adapter properties perform below changes.
- StartMethod = MonitorAll
- StartPage=
- HookChildProcesses= True
2. Create a windows adapter. In windows adapter properties perform below changes.(in "Arguments" property specify "StartPage" property that you have specified in web adapter)
- Arguments=
- Path=C:\Program Files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe
- HookChildProcesses= True
Steps to Start Interrogation:
1. Click on Start Interrogation button on Web Adapter. wait till bulls eye pops out.
2. Click on Start Interrogation button on Windows Adapter.
Note: Follow above steps in specified order.
You will be having two bulls eye windows for two adapters. You should be able to interrogate using windows adapter bulls eye window.
Here you need two adapters as clicking on website should be handled by web adapter and clicking on Open window should be handled by windows adapter. Always start Web adapter and then start windows adapter, then only Window screen controls can be interrogated.
Steps to Configure both Adapters:
1. Create a web adapter. In web adapter properties perform below changes.
- StartMethod = MonitorAll
- StartPage=
- HookChildProcesses= True
2. Create a windows adapter. In windows adapter properties perform below changes.(in "Arguments" property specify "StartPage" property that you have specified in web adapter)
- Arguments=
- Path=C:\Program Files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe
- HookChildProcesses= True
Steps to Start Interrogation:
1. Click on Start Interrogation button on Web Adapter. wait till bulls eye pops out.
2. Click on Start Interrogation button on Windows Adapter.
Note: Follow above steps in specified order.
You will be having two bulls eye windows for two adapters. You should be able to interrogate using windows adapter bulls eye window.
I see you have attached Chrome screenshot, of the windows control. But I hope you were requesting steps to interrogate. Hence try to interrogate with either of the adapters.

Royal Bank of Canada
Hi mendl2
Now it's working as excepted, I am able to interrogate file explorer which open within IE
Thank you for all your help.