
Last activity: 17 Aug 2022 4:35 EDT
AppStudio 8.7 loading scrambled way
When I log in AppStudio, i see like below: This is Pega personal edition 8.7
Any inputs how to mitigate this one, how to make the UI normal? Tried stop and start the Pega platform, but no luck.
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Mutta Sridevi -
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 17 Aug 2022 4:35 EDT

@bicii I didn't find right solution. But I uninstalled and installed again. It worked..And I didn't see same issue again...

Pegasystems Inc.
@VinodP982 can you tell us if this is a new install?
Did you check the logs to see if there are any errors.
There are some troubleshooting suggestions listed in this post.

@MarijeSchillern Thanks for your prompt response.
I looked into the content in the specified link, but unfortunately didn't help much..
Below are the logs: and i installed and for some weeks app studio loaded fine with proper UI. only in recent launch am seeing this UI disorientation.
@MarijeSchillern Thanks for your prompt response.
I looked into the content in the specified link, but unfortunately didn't help much..
Below are the logs: and i installed and for some weeks app studio loaded fine with proper UI. only in recent launch am seeing this UI disorientation.
2022-03-09 17:04:57,258 [egaRULES-MasterAgent] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] ( AgentConfiguration) INFO - System date: Wed Mar 09 17:04:57 IST 2022 Total memory: 4,287,102,976 Free memory: 2,789,680,720 Requestor Count: 115 Shared Pages memory usage: 0% Current number of threads: 288 2022-03-09 17:14:57,268 [egaRULES-MasterAgent] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] ( AgentConfiguration) INFO - System date: Wed Mar 09 17:14:57 IST 2022 Total memory: 4,287,102,976 Free memory: 3,234,325,208 Requestor Count: 115 Shared Pages memory usage: 0% Current number of threads: 290 2022-03-09 17:24:11,434 [http-nio-8080-exec-3] [ ] [ ] [ ] (ticcontent.StaticContentClient) WARN - Unable to obtain content for resolved file: webwb/pzpega_ui_rdl_12880580780.js resulted in "500" http response from request /4E5ljvqo5s4dE1EqpAYDcg8Iv1ce-SFD*/webwb/pzpega_ui_rdl_12880580780.js!!.js requestor=H3M7NDRZR5WAD5DTZ06LR5LTVIJBTFL06A referrer=http://localhost:8080/prweb/PRServlet/app/internal-imp_/4E5ljvqo5s4dE1EqpAYDcg8Iv1ce-SFD*/!STANDARD 2022-03-09 17:24:11,441 [ttp-nio-8080-exec-10] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] (ticcontent.StaticContentClient) WARN - Unable to obtain content for resolved file: webwb/pzpega_ui_rdltemplate_13010379074.js!pzpega_ui_rdlrowtemplate_12974928868.js resulted in "500" http response from request /4E5ljvqo5s4dE1EqpAYDcg8Iv1ce-SFD*/webwb/pzpega_ui_rdltemplate_13010379074.js!pzpega_ui_rdlrowtemplate_12974928868.js!!.js requestor=H3M7NDRZR5WAD5DTZ06LR5LTVIJBTFL06A referrer=http://localhost:8080/prweb/PRServlet/app/internal-imp_/4E5ljvqo5s4dE1EqpAYDcg8Iv1ce-SFD*/!STANDARD 2022-03-09 17:24:11,443 [http-nio-8080-exec-4] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] (ticcontent.StaticContentClient) WARN - Unable to obtain content for resolved file: webwb/pzpega_ui_template_harnesscontainer_11821941506.js resulted in "500" http response from request /4E5ljvqo5s4dE1EqpAYDcg8Iv1ce-SFD*/webwb/pzpega_ui_template_harnesscontainer_11821941506.js!!.js requestor=H3M7NDRZR5WAD5DTZ06LR5LTVIJBTFL06A referrer=http://localhost:8080/prweb/PRServlet/app/internal-imp_/4E5ljvqo5s4dE1EqpAYDcg8Iv1ce-SFD*/!STANDARD 2022-03-09 17:24:11,469 [http-nio-8080-exec-5] [ STANDARD] [ ] [InternalImp:01.01.01] (il.classloader.PRClassLoaderDB) WARN localhost| Proprietary information hidden H3M7NDRZR5WAD5DTZ06LR5LTVIJBTFL06A admin@dbapp - Replacing definition: com.pega.platform.clipboard.query.QueryBuilder 2022-03-09 17:24:11,470 [http-nio-8080-exec-5] [ STANDARD] [ ] [InternalImp:01.01.01] (il.classloader.PRClassLoaderDB) WARN localhost| Proprietary information hidden H3M7NDRZR5WAD5DTZ06LR5LTVIJBTFL06A admin@dbapp - Replacing definition: com.pega.platform.clipboard.query.ScalarValueQuery 2022-03-09 17:24:11,476 [http-nio-8080-exec-5] [ STANDARD] [ ] [InternalImp:01.01.01] (il.classloader.PRClassLoaderDB) WARN localhost| Proprietary information hidden H3M7NDRZR5WAD5DTZ06LR5LTVIJBTFL06A admin@dbapp - Replacing definition: com.pega.platform.executionengine.invokedynamic.impl.IdyLibraryCallLinkageHandler 2022-03-09 17:24:11,574 [http-nio-8080-exec-5] [ STANDARD] [ ] [InternalImp:01.01.01] (il.classloader.PRClassLoaderDB) WARN localhost| Proprietary information hidden H3M7NDRZR5WAD5DTZ06LR5LTVIJBTFL06A admin@dbapp - Replacing definition: com.pega.platform.executionengine.runtime.Aspect 2022-03-09 17:24:11,574 [http-nio-8080-exec-5] [ STANDARD] [ ] [InternalImp:01.01.01] (il.classloader.PRClassLoaderDB) WARN localhost| Proprietary information hidden H3M7NDRZR5WAD5DTZ06LR5LTVIJBTFL06A admin@dbapp - Replacing definition: com.pega.platform.executionengine.runtime.RuleDispatcher 2022-03-09 17:24:12,505 [r], Partitions=[0,4]] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] (w.listener.RetryLoggerListener) ERROR - [pzStandardProcessor] Browse retry was successful on data flow [pzStandardProcessor] on stage [InputStage] with affected partitions: [0, 4] 2022-03-09 17:24:57,281 [egaRULES-MasterAgent] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] ( AgentConfiguration) INFO - System date: Wed Mar 09 17:24:57 IST 2022 Total memory: 4,217,896,960 Free memory: 3,152,069,616 Requestor Count: 117 Shared Pages memory usage: 0% Current number of threads: 292 2022-03-09 17:25:44,966 [http-nio-8080-exec-1] [Live_MTSP1] [ ] [InternalImp:01.01.01] (il.classloader.PRClassLoaderDB) WARN localhost| Proprietary information hidden H3M7NDRZR5WAD5DTZ06LR5LTVIJBTFL06A admin@dbapp - Replacing definition: com.pega.platform.coreassemblers.when.AbstractWhen 2022-03-09 17:25:44,966 [http-nio-8080-exec-1] [Live_MTSP1] [ ] [InternalImp:01.01.01] (il.classloader.PRClassLoaderDB) WARN localhost| Proprietary information hidden H3M7NDRZR5WAD5DTZ06LR5LTVIJBTFL06A admin@dbapp - Replacing definition: com.pega.platform.executionengine.runtime.Loadtime 2022-03-09 17:25:44,966 [http-nio-8080-exec-1] [Live_MTSP1] [ ] [InternalImp:01.01.01] (il.classloader.PRClassLoaderDB) WARN localhost| Proprietary information hidden H3M7NDRZR5WAD5DTZ06LR5LTVIJBTFL06A admin@dbapp - Replacing definition: com.pega.platform.clipboard.query.QueryBuilderFactory 2022-03-09 17:25:44,966 [http-nio-8080-exec-1] [Live_MTSP1] [ ] [InternalImp:01.01.01] (il.classloader.PRClassLoaderDB) WARN localhost| Proprietary information hidden H3M7NDRZR5WAD5DTZ06LR5LTVIJBTFL06A admin@dbapp - Replacing definition: com.pega.platform.executionengine.runtime.Runtime 2022-03-09 17:26:03,409 [sor], Partitions=[5]] [ STANDARD] [ ] [ ] (w.listener.RetryLoggerListener) ERROR - [pzStandardProcessor] Browse retry was successful on data flow [pzStandardProcessor] on stage [InputStage] with affected partitions: [5]
So the only way is to re-install ? Please suggest any other fixes...

Pegasystems Inc.
@VinodP982I am facing same issue after upgrade from 8.7.2 to 8.7.3. Did you find any solttion for app studio?
Accepted Solution
Updated: 17 Aug 2022 4:35 EDT

@bicii I didn't find right solution. But I uninstalled and installed again. It worked..And I didn't see same issue again...