
Cognizant Technology Solutions India PVT Ltd
Last activity: 17 Feb 2020 6:40 EST
Any option to extract specific lines or table from PDF?
Hi All,
I could extract entire page content from PDF document to excel, but is there any option to extract specific lines or table information from PDF ?
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Make sure to try versions Proprietary information hidden+. It has significant improvements in PDF connector functionality. In particular there are new GetTable methods:,_Methods,_and_Events.htm

Boubyan Bank
Under PDF connector , various methods available ( read by segment / Line / Word ) , it can be used to extract specific lines ,,
For Tables , I am not sure , you have to try with the segment method , and calibrate to receive correct responce

Cognizant Technology Solutions India PVT Ltd
Under segment method, i couldn't find relavant option to retrive any specific segment, also we tried to extract using line method but not sure how to find PDF line numbers in a page.
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Make sure to try versions Proprietary information hidden+. It has significant improvements in PDF connector functionality. In particular there are new GetTable methods:,_Methods,_and_Events.htm

Cognizant Technology Solutions India PVT Ltd
Thank you for your response.I am using 18.01.10 version and is there any method to find PDF line number?

Pegasystems Inc.
Try to use GetPage method and then extract proxy. This proxy is pdfPage object that has LineCount property (number of lines on this pdf page), PdfLines property which is array of lines on page and GetLine method allowing you to get line by number.
Combining this with forLoop or listLoop you can iterate by all pages within PDF document and by all lines within each page.

Cognizant Technology Solutions India PVT Ltd
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