Last activity: 14 Mar 2019 5:36 EDT
Agent does not start with error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
While starting QueueBulkcaseupload agent following error is shown on "Agent Management" landing page:
java.lang.String cannot be cast to org.json.simple.JSONObject
In logs following error has occurred during this start-up:
Exception during engine invocation: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/pega/pegarules/session/internal/async/AgentQueue$AgentNotification
Found this related support article about this error:
This article mentions that root cause is node's cache was not in sync with the database.
Can someone help how to prevent this node cache sync issue? Our Pega cluster is hosted in AWS as EC2 instances. Cluster has 4 nodes (2 are categorized as background nodes and 2 are categorized as web user nodes). We have auto scaling process as part of which nodes will be brought down to 2 during 8 PM and again nodes will be brought back to 4 nodes at 8 AM.
Would this constant node updates can cause this sync issue? How this can be prevented?
Thanks in advance .
While starting QueueBulkcaseupload agent following error is shown on "Agent Management" landing page:
java.lang.String cannot be cast to org.json.simple.JSONObject
In logs following error has occurred during this start-up:
Exception during engine invocation: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/pega/pegarules/session/internal/async/AgentQueue$AgentNotification
Found this related support article about this error:
This article mentions that root cause is node's cache was not in sync with the database.
Can someone help how to prevent this node cache sync issue? Our Pega cluster is hosted in AWS as EC2 instances. Cluster has 4 nodes (2 are categorized as background nodes and 2 are categorized as web user nodes). We have auto scaling process as part of which nodes will be brought down to 2 during 8 PM and again nodes will be brought back to 4 nodes at 8 AM.
Would this constant node updates can cause this sync issue? How this can be prevented?
Thanks in advance .