
TechVista LLC
Last activity: 9 Jan 2018 11:02 EST
After Routing the case to another work list, one copy remaining in my work list.
Hi All,
I have a parent case , where I am having a drop down list of users. If I select the value from that drop down list, at the submit of the case a new sub case will get created and the entire parent case (with the newly created child case) will be assigned to that selected user work list. I have used work-.Reassign activity. But what is happening is the parent case got moved to selected users work list. But I can see the same parent case in my work list as well. Also upon opening the parent case in the routed work list it says, "The flow this assignment corresponds to is no longer at this task".
Do we need to delete the old case from my work list manually? Can any one help me debugging the issue?