
EPAM Systems Inc
Last activity: 9 Mar 2021 8:16 EST
Admin Studio - Queue Processor
Queue processor is working slowly and is not keeping up with processing items (see attachment). Right now there are over 6 million items in ready to process state while the number of items processed last hour stays on approximately ~5k records. Can I somehow clear the queue with ready to process objects? I'm not asking of queue processor configuration. I want to kill current process and clear the table with records ready to process but I do not see any easy way to do this.
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Matthew Bulley Parag Maheshwari -
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Pegasystems Inc.
Can you click that link and selected few instances. You should be able to use the Remove button then.
Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
I think you can open the instances of Ready to Process by clicking on the count. And you can select all and click on Remove.
PFB screenshot for more details.

EPAM Systems Inc
As I've checked on my side I only have access to broken items, not the ones that are ready to process. Is it dependent on any additional privilege that I need to add to my account?

Pegasystems Inc.
Can you try with a default Admin operator maybe
Updated: 14 Jun 2021 7:38 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
Even I have checked with Scheduled items, I just saw that there is no link in Ready to process tab, it's just a formatted text.

GE Healthcare
Is there any chance somebody else can try to answer the question originally asked in the top?
It seems that the queue items, once they reach ready to process state are no longer possible to be purged from the admin studio. We checked if it is a matter of privileges, checked any hidden functionalities using live-UI. It is simply not possible to access any of the ready-to-process queue items or delete them from the queue.
Is there any chance though we can ask Pega support to purge the list for us by running an activity/db script in the backend?
Thank you,

Federal Bureau of Investigation
Hi ,
Did any one find a solution on how to clear the Read to process tasks in the queue processor.
We are experiencing the same issues.

Hi all,
was there any response to the initial question ? Thanks.