ADM warnings in the standard out log fil
We modified our ADM configuration for the predictors. Now in the logs we're seeing entries at the WARN level around data type mismatches. Where else do we need to update our data types for our predictors?
1:8443-4058) Value for '' is of unexpected type (expected: SYMBOLIC, actual: NUMERIC); will be treated as missing
10:12:03,586 WARN [com.pega.decision.adm.client.impl.SymbolicRecordToBinMapping] (http-/ Proprietary information hidden:8443-3604) Value is of unexpected type (expecting: SYMBOLIC, actual: NUMERIC); will be treated as missing
10:12:03,579 WARN [com.pega.decision.adm.client.impl.SymbolicRecordToBinMapping] (http-/xx.xx.xx.xx:8443-4000) Value is of unexpected type (expecting: SYMBOLIC, actual: NUMERIC); will be treated as missing
10:12:03,570 WARN [com.pega.decision.adm.core.BinnedSymbolic] (http-/xx.xx.xx.xx:8443-4085) Value for '' is of unexpected type (expected: SYMBOLIC, actual: NUMERIC); will be treated as missing
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