ADM & VBD keyspace issues
Hello All,
@CBA we are upgrading from Pega 7.3 to Pega 8.3.1, found different behavior from Pega 8.3.1.
Pega 7.3 Cassandra Settings with Active/Active Data Centers :
1) prconfig.xml settings
<env name="dnode/yaml/endpoint_snitch" value="GossipingPropertyFileSnitch"/>
<env name="dnode/cassandra_datacenter" value="nwdc"/>
<env name="dnode/default_write_consistency" value="ANY"/>
<env name="dnode/default_read_consistency" value="ONE"/>
2) file content
with these settings, adm keyspace use to create during the node start up.
with 8.3.1, same settings are resulting different behavior:
1) we are noticing nwdc_adm, nwdc_vbd keyspaces are created by Pega
2) after some time we did notice only adm keyspace also generated not sure why?
couple of questions:
1) why Pega creates datacenter_adm keyspaces for only adm & VBD? not for other keyspaces Pega manages i.e Data/states...
2) why Pega creates datacenter_adm, adm keyspaces?
3) we would already have data accumulated in adm keyspace from 7.3 version- how does this data will be moved into datacenter_adm keyspace?