
Last activity: 12 Nov 2021 6:27 EST
Add days to Date property using Function Alias
Filter records through report definition Filter a DateProperty + NoOfDays =< Current Date time.
No of Days will be retrieved through Dynamic System Setting. So I was writing function alias . where I can take the value from DSS.
DateProperty should be param to the function alias.
But I am un aware how to add the days to current value of DateProperty
Current code
String sColumnName = tools.getPrimaryPage().getString(".pyParameters(1).pyParametersParamValue");
String sDSSName= tools.getPrimaryPage().getString(".pyParameters(2).pyParametersParamValue").replaceAll("\"", "");
String setting = pega_rules_utilities.getDataSystemSetting("clmsfw",sDSSName );
String result = pega_rules_businesscalendar.addDays(sColumnName ,Integer.parseInt(setting),false,"");
Thanks in Advance