Adaptive Model Predictors from different class
Hi All,
I have a few question regarding how the adaptive models work with using a Properties from Non customer tables that have a 1 to many relationship with the customer table.
I've seen a previous posts (see attached imaged) that indicates that adding a property like this "Customer.Address.Postcode" works. But I'm not sure if this example was a 1:1 relationship with customer or 1:many.
I want to added properties from a subscription table like attach image (like this Customer.Subscriptions.DeviceOS) with Subscriptions having a 1:many relationship to customer.
My questions regarind this are:
1. If this works will all Subscriptions get used to define the predictor or just a random one?
2. To get this to work do I just need to add the Subscriptions class to the "Pages & Classes" section of the adm?