ActiveX/Amyuni PDF converter
Our client has a requirement to convert Word to PDF. We are using Pega 7.2.2.
Today, Pega uses Open Authoring ActiveX (OA) control and Amyuni third-party software to do Word to PDF conversion, but it is my understanding that Pegasystems won't support Active X going forward.
Client is looking for input from Pegasystems:
How do we plan to replace ActiveX/AmyuniPDFConverter and still allow them to do Word to PDF conversion?
[From Pega 7.3.1 platform support guide] ActiveX Support - As of May 2017, all ActiveX controls in Pega Platform are marked as "deprecated." A deprecated control will continue to "work" (assuming no other changes are introduced on the customer's Windows desktop), but they should not be used, and technical support for issues related to these controls will be limited.