Action set not executing but UI is updated
For example, in this screen, theres a Dropdown which allows user to pick from a list of items.
In the dropdown, it is configured to have action set (on change) to run a data transform or to refresh the screen.
However, if the user disconnects their internet connection, the webpage will still allow user to interact with the screen. When user made a change on the Dropdown UI during this time, only the Dropdown box value will be updated and the UI actions will not be executed.
When user submits the form, if there is no post validation checks, there will be discrepancies between the intended behavior and UI screen.
Steps to replicate
1) User go into the UI screen
2) At the UI screen, the user disconnects
3) The user edited the dropdown
4) Now, user reconnects to the screen
5) User proceed to submit/save the screen/case
Post-action set not reflected in the screen/case but screen/case is submitted.
***Edited by Moderator Marije to add Capability tags***