
Bank Of Nova Scotia
Last activity: 29 Jan 2020 9:55 EST
Access When rule of a Delegated Data Type
In Pega v7.3, I delegated a data type to manager access group, and as a manager I am able to access data type instances and successfully update them. The moment I add an Access When rule in Read/Write/Delete Instances of the Access of Role to Object, the data type instances aren't displayed.
To conditionally allow user to update particular instances of the data type (based on particular value of instance).
Approaches tried:
-Tried using ABAC, but no luck as access control policy takes effect the when the screen is loaded and access control policy condition doesn't run on the data type instance.
-Tried Access Deny rule, again, the moment I add the Access Deny Access Role to the Access Group the data type instances aren't displayed.
Screenshots are attached for reference.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags****