First Tech Federal Credit Union
Last activity: 22 Jul 2016 16:59 EDT
Access grid column list
Hello Team,
Currently we have a requirement to find out OOTB list property which will contain grid column details like caption, visibility etc. Can you please guide on to correct property reference?
Rushikesh Patil
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Pegasystems Inc.
I am not sure if I get your requirement right,
If you are looking for properties holding grid column settings, grid cell settings, wouldn't Live UI do
Pegasystems Inc.
I also don't understand what you're asking here. These options are set in designer studio, then used to generate the corresponding java, html, css, etc... if you're looking for a property on the clipboard that holds this information, I don't think you'll find one.
The ask here is to get the pega internal property names ( may be referring to any java properties) which hold the values of the column name which we mention in the repeat grid OR are they just a simple render in a HTML form? If we're fetching the values at run time using any data structure - be it internal pega mechanism- can we get to know how it's done.
Thanks in advance !
First Tech Federal Credit Union
Dave, Sai - Subhadip mentioned clearly what I am looking for. Please guide if we can any OOTB property?
Blue Rose Technologies GmbH
If you are looking for the property which we will use while generating the header of grid. Then it is present as part of the grid XML.
Here, pyValue is the property which holds the header name. I hope this is what you are looking for.
First Tech Federal Credit Union
Thanks Sathish for the pointer. But in turn the page hierarchy is exhaustive to reach for particular grid and its columns.
Blue Rose Technologies GmbH
The hierarchy for the header cell is something like this,
pySection(n) -> pySectionBody(3) -> pyTable -> pyRows(1) -> pyCells()
Where n is the layout index. If you have two layouts in the section, then first layout will be pySection(1) and so on.
If the grid is inside dynamic layout then the structure will be,
pySection(m) -> pySectionBody(1)->pyTable -> pyRows(1) -> pyCells(n) -> pySection(1) -> pySectionBody(3) -> pyTable -> pyRows(1) -> pyCells()
Here m is the layout index. n is the cell where grid is dropped.