
Last activity: 1 Aug 2023 9:19 EDT
About section DisplayDDAttachList in class Embed-DragDropFile
In section DisplayDDAttachList in class Embed-DragDropFile, for non-mobile mode, in order to let the upload file shown as label (.pyNote in Embed-DragDropFile) instead of real file name (.pyMemo), seems I would like to update below field (the small square above the read line)
However, when I open it's property, below is shown:
Seems nothing can be set here. Look like a plug in or control?
May I know any way can I let the upload file display as label instead of real file name in non-mobile mode?
F.y.i, the field right side of it is a common text field with .pyMemo that can be easily to be changed to .pyNote but it's visible for pyIsMobilePhone only.