Section embedded in paragraph rule for generating PDF doesnot get same formatting of section
Below are the steps to generate a Pdf where we will embed a section as input , and to get exact UI formatting of section in PDF.
Create a HTML rule as below
<head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="webwb/pxCompactStylesforPDF.css"> <br /> <pega:include name="sectionxxxx" type="Rule-HTML-Section" /> <br /> <pega:include name="sectionyyy" type="Rule-HTML-Section" /> <br /> <pega:include name="sectionzzz" type="Rule-HTML-Section" /> </head>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="webwb/pxCompactStylesforPDF.css"> this gives exact styling in pdf as in section.
Now create a activity
step -1 property set
step -2 call pyViewAsPDF
HTMLSTREAM=above html rule name
PDFName= Param.filename
Now call it in section on any button with on click open url in new window-give activity name
window name parameter should be as "_self" (Quotes not required).