
Last activity: 29 Oct 2024 11:41 EDT
Control Visibility by Stage in a Case Type to Show Only Each Entity’s Own Modifications
Hi everyone,
I’m working on a case setup with two entities, A and B, and a Case Type called Expediente that has two stages. In the first stage, Entity A makes its modifications and then advances the case to the next stage, where Entity B completes its own modifications.
Here’s my requirement: once the Expediente moves to the next stage, Entity A should still be able to view the case, but I want them to see only their own modifications without access to what Entity B has done in the new stage. Essentially, I’d like to implement something like a “snapshot” of the case as it was before the stage change, visible only to Entity A.
Has anyone worked on a similar requirement in PEGA? I would appreciate any advice on possible solutions.
Thank you in advance for your help!