
Last activity: 7 Oct 2024 15:43 EDT
Pega Smart Claims 24.1 Member Search not working in On Premise POC enviorment
Hi Team ,
I have installed Pega smart Claims 24.1 in one of our On premises Env for a POC.
We are unable to invoke the elastic search API used for member Search or Member Match module . We have followed the implementation guide and tried the following things :
1. Problem in HitDataRepository connect REST rule .
2. End point URL configured in the DSS called HostName following the instruction mentioned in PDN. PFB the same.
- Click PegaHC.Hostname to update its value to your respective server host name, and then click Save.
For example: https://<hostname>:<ES port>
This value contains the host name and the http/s and port number, and is used in the LoadHCSettings_Extension data transform to connect to the Elasticsearch REST APIs.
3. We have used the server ip also used ip available in pyIndexerAddress however no success.
Please note out poc server is SSL enabled with proper CA certificate.
4.As a result D_MemberSearch is getting failed and Member match module and member search not working.
Please note we have NOT to use any externalise elastic search and trying to use OOTB pega elastic search.