
Last activity: 23 Apr 2024 10:03 EDT
BIX Extract for nested pagelists
Does BIX support extraction of properties from nested pagelists pyWorkPage.PagelistA().PagelistB().PagelistC()?
when we choose Database Schema output format, we can see table name and property mapping for nested pagelists. Generated DDL also includes tables corresponding to nested page lists. But when we run the extract, there is no data in these tables.
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Accepted Solution
Updated: 23 Apr 2024 10:03 EDT

Parent page of embedded nested pagelists we had issues with was a Data Page reference.
We were able to extract the data by creating an extract rule in the Data- class that corresponds to this datapage.
Updated: 8 Apr 2024 16:56 EDT

Pegasystems Inc.
I was just wondering if you could please confirm if it works with CSV files instead of the database.
Could you please confirm pyWorkPage.PagelistA() is populated into a separate table?
Database Schema: Extract properties directly into an existing relational database outside of the application. The extraction process forms top-level pages, page lists, page groups, and value properties from a selected class into separate tables on the database. Identify the external database instance on the File Specification tab in step 8.
Important: You must have insert and view-metadata privileges for the database into which you want to insert the Database Schema. Contact your Database Administrator for details. Pega Platform does not support extracting to a Teradata database due to performance issues with the metadata queries that are common in BIX extractions.

@RameshSangili We see data being extracted correctly in table corresponding to pyWorkPage.PagelistA(). Issue is only with the tables corresponding to nested page structure. So it is not a table permission/privilege issue.

Pegasystems Inc.
Though it supports nested-level embedded pages through XML and CSV, I'm not sure if this is a limitation of the database configuration. I would suggest creating an INC ticket to get confirmation from the Product Support team or troubleshooting with them if it's supported through database
Updated: 10 Apr 2024 11:50 EDT

@RameshSangili Embedded nested pagelists are not working in XML and CSV output formats as well.

Pegasystems Inc.
As per 8.1 user guide, it supports multiple levels of embedded property (attached screenshots). Please create an INC ticket to get the recommendation from Product Support on nested levels.

Navigate to admin studio --> Log Categories. Search for and enable pxBix category to ALL. After that execute your extract rule and check the BIX logs to see why the data is not getting inserted.

@SrijitaB Additional logging was not much of a help. It does not reveal any errors with inserting data into tables or writing CSV/XML files for embedded nested pagelists.

Bits in Glass
@Gowtham Allunested pagelist will extract data into respective mapped tables. If DDL is getting generated then shouldn't be a configuration issue. Either you can check bix logs in respective bix node, it will display exact error. Else for debugging what you can do is, for the nested pagelist, just keep 1 property in the extract rule.
3 nested pagelist, 1 property under each of these pagelist. Also please ensure the keys mapped against the table in the extract is also there in the database as column.
Accepted Solution
Updated: 23 Apr 2024 10:03 EDT

Parent page of embedded nested pagelists we had issues with was a Data Page reference.
We were able to extract the data by creating an extract rule in the Data- class that corresponds to this datapage.