How to determine the time between a user's login and logout?
I want to know the time a user spends within the application, i.e., from login to logout. Is there a way?
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I want to know the time a user spends within the application, i.e., from login to logout. Is there a way?
I am not sure that ootb provides this kind of functionality, but we can do it by adding the logic of saving the user details along with login timestamp in the extension points in the activity applicationprofile setup. Once the user gets logout, try to update the same record with logout time in the extension points if any during logout.
Hi @LauraC59: PEGA by default captures "pyLastSignon" with date and time the user has logged in. For the log off time, you need to specialize logout activities and should create your own code. Do consider scenarios like timeout / passivation.
Please also refer similar post here, here.
Please also check if security auditing helps you (refer this).
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