
Last activity: 18 Jul 2023 15:41 EDT
Persist Shape Not working as expected
Hi All,
In the Flow, we used Persist Case smart shape which saves case instance to work table, and later in the flow we are saving data into few other table for instance say TABLE_B,
now when we trigger the flow to create case, TABLE_B has the new case record but Work table doesnt have the newly created case instance.
This happens once in a while ( less than 10 cases in a month),
I have verified the pxPersistCase activity its OOTB and no customization made, I also verified Logs to check if there is any exceptions but couldnot find any, so it would help me if I can get answers to
1. What are the scenarios where Persist smart shape would not work/ not save data to work table
2. How to Log/ Record the exception in case data is not saved to work table, after exiting persist case shape in the flow.
*More about the flow in attachment: start shape -> Persist smart Shape -> sub process to save data in other related tables -> and so on
Thanks in advance