Support Cases are closed upon delivery of a solution through a local change, hotfix, patch, or plan for resolution in the next update release. The plan for resolution in the next or later release is typically tracked by Pega engineers as a Feedback (FDBK) item that is assessed and triaged for implementation in a future release. Defect corrections (BUG fixes), which are tracked and documented as Resolved Issues, are also delivered in future releases, as noted below. This work, FDBK items and BUGs, is tracked in the Pega-internal Agile Studio application, which you, the client, do not have access to. Your Pega Account Executive (PAE) or Client Success Manager (CSM) monitors this work on your behalf and advocates for its completion and delivery.
When a FDBK item is cited in a support ticket (References), the support team takes the following actions:
- Resolves the ticket with the standard response, including the FDBK ID.
- Communicates the estimated time for FDBK resolution to your PAE or CSM based on how the FDBK item is qualified:
FDBK is . . . |
And is . . . |
Then . . . |
Known issue or bug |
Support ticket provides the target release date for the FDBK resolution and delivery. |
First-time report |
In product development queue for assessment and triage |
Support ticket cannot provide the target release date for FDBK resolution and delivery. |
Blocker for the client needing immediate remediation |
Client must provide strong business justification so that PAE or CSM can expedite resolution of the FDBK with Pega teams. |
For additional information about hotfixes and Pega Infinity™ patch releases, including patch releases for Pega Platform™, refer to the articles in Keeping Current with Pega.
To find information on the latest patch releases for Pega Platform 8 and later releases, watch for announcements in the Pega Support Center.
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