Run/Execute Rules without access to DEV Studio
Hi Community Team,
I am working on a team where the management is extremely reluctant to give DEV Studio Environment access to Engineers for PROD Environment.
Now, DEV Studio access is not always required for us, as we have a fairly sophisticated event monitoring mechanism, but we have scenarios where some PEGA rules need to be accessed (keystores, certificates, DSS etc.) and simply re-run or changed (outside a Production deployment window) to fix issues.
Now whenever we are getting issues based on these, debugging such issues are becoming quite difficult. The frequent rebuttal we get is : JAVA does not have a Dev Studio access, wsecu such configurations ?
Is there a way to run/execute/change some of the configuration-based rules from outside PEGA , using a REST API end point perhaps ? The security issue in exposing such end points is understood, and we will have safeguards in place to handle them.
Some of the things we want to run are given below :
(a) Change DSS values without logging into DEV Studio,
(b) Re-validate and save rules from outside PEGA, say Data transforms, Kafka or Repository rules,
(c) Execute/compile rules like Extract or a Library.
Would appreciate if the group has any ideas on this !
***Edited by Moderator Marije to change Content Type from Discussion to Question; added capability tags***