
Last activity: 30 Jun 2022 0:16 EDT
Reset Assignment with a new SLA after existing SLA Deadline Action is Triggered, any hints and guidance please
My Requirement is For an Assignment we wanted to set Goal , Deadline and Passed Deadline let's say 3 days (Goal) and 5(days) deadline and 10(days) passed deadline and in each event trigger wanted to increase urgency. Untill here we can achieve using regular SLA rule OOTB(Assume SLA1). Now later we wanted to reset SLA with new Goal and Deadline to be more specific : After 10 days(with SLA1) of follow up if the work object is still with same assignment we wanted to ForceCaseClose the case after 30 days using another SLA by resetting Assignment SLA rule (SLA2)
Can you please share any of your experience with such requirement.