How to remove blank page in Word Document
How to Remove blank page in word document using Pega RPA?
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How to Remove blank page in word document using Pega RPA?
@SaiBasi This is tricky as you might not have a true blank page (if there are headers and things). Do you have a sample of your Word document I could look at?
@ThomasSasnett here is the process we are trying to do, we have a template to duplicate the template content (With multiple details)into one single file we are creating a document and inserting the data into the new word document then it is inserting the data from the second page leaving the first page as blank. Here i am attaching sample document of the output we are getting.
@SaiBasi There really isn't a concept of pages in a Word doc from what I can tell because those are technically determined when you format the document to print or whatever. You might be able to define a Bookmark whose text you set to empty to move up everything below it. You'd need to define that bookmark ahead of time though. Is that possible?
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