CSV export & import function for Japanese with Excel
Hi I am writting this post for Japanese customer but I belive any countries who use double-byte are facing same issue. So, I would like to have more opinition for my request.
Saving file in Excel with Japanese character will generate a CSV file with Shift-JIS, so we are not able to import file by using "pxUploadCSVResults" for import and " ConvertResultsToCSV " for export.
* This is a default behaviour of Excel if there is Japanese characters but other language such as Korea, Chines may be facing a same problem.
1. to have parameters or something else to specify import character code for "pxUploadCSVResults"
2. to have parameters or something else to specify with BOM or without BOM for "ConvertResultsToCSV "
Here are details for these requests:
[1. Import]
Step2 (java) in "pxUploadCSVResults"
we comment the line below
//cofileContent = new com.pega.pegarules.pub.util.Base64Util().decode(strFileData);
And then add 3 lines below instead
try {
fileContent = new String(org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.decodeBase64(strFileData),"MS932");
} catch (java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
However, "pxUploadCSVResults" is Final, so we do not want to modify code in Step2.
Rather we want to have a parameter, which we can specify "character code" to use for import action
[2. Export]
Step 5 (java) in "ConvertResultsToCSV", we had to add 3 line for steam to add BOM to properly open UTF-8 file with Excel
Because, Excel do not recognize CSV file without BOM. Therefore, we want to have an option to "set BOM" somewhere in "ConvertResultsToCSV".
// Create file
PROutputStream stream = new PROutputStream(f);
// adding BOM to file stream
PRWriter out = new PRWriter(stream, null, false);
[Important notice]
Both rules are final, so we can not modify code
Please see attached screen shots and CSV file with Shift-JIS.
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