
Bradesco Seguros
Last activity: 27 Oct 2021 12:11 EDT
Agile Studio did not respond - Integration with Agile Workbench
I'm trying to configure Agile WorkBench with Agile Studio, but I'm having the following issues:
I can pull stories that are separated in a release set up in Agile studio to bring them to visibility within Agile Workbrench
When I try to call up the story the following message is displayed
Evaluating the tracer, I get the following message:
Is there any point I should evaluate to allow this mechanism to work correctly?
Any hotfix that I should consider in order to allow it to work correctly?
The problem happens when try to get return to porperty .pyGetAgileStudioWIParamResults
Rule: D_pzProjectManagementAssetDetails class: Pega-Int-ProjMgmt-AgileStudio
Connector: pzAgileStudioWorkItemCRUD Class: Pega-Int-ProjMgmt-AgileStudio
When call directly on SoapUI, the API response ok in json structure
{"returnCode":200,"details":{"storyPoints":1,"assignToResource":"lucas.papa","description":"<p>Como Gerente de Negócios</p>
<p>Quero poder gerar um PDF de uma ou mais simulações selecionadas</p>
<p>Para poder visualizar o lista de parcelas com número</p>","acceptanceCriteria":["Formatação em Reais nos campos","Gerar identtificador automaticamente","Não esta trazendo a sugestão do primeiro vencimento","Seguro Prestamisa não está sendo exibido"],"sprintID":"SPR-2","epicID":"EPIC-1","pxCreateDateTime":"20211025T164922.162 GMT","name":"[Sprint 01] US 31 - Gerar PDF das simulações","currentStageLabel":"Ready","ID":"US-53","pxCreateOpName":"Renata Ortega","category":"Documentation","projectID":"PROJ-5","status":"Open-Ready","lastUpdateTime":"20211026T121653.140 GMT"}}
Does anyone have a light for this?