I am posting 3 queries regarding Fetch Versions and Cache (Pega Robotics)
1) How to perform Force Update on product manifest file within cache, Noticed that product.manifest updates only when a package request for new version in client machine, despite of adding multiple versions in the server and server restart/reset
i.e.; once all the versions are cached any changes made in server product.manifest does not reflect in product.manifest file in client, until you delete one of the folders and Runtime is again applied when package requests for it. So how to force update
2)Not all Runtime versions are cached even when multiple Runtime versions are mentioned in Fetch Version of product.manifest in server.
Ex: with Base version as Proprietary information hidden
Fetch version as [ Proprietary information hidden, Proprietary information hidden, Proprietary information hidden] could see Proprietary information hidden in cached folder, only few dll files for Proprietary information hidden could not see Proprietary information hidden in the folder
3)Does cached runtime version gets deleted or removed from client, once one of the fetch version is deleted from product.manifest in server?
Current Fetch Version; [ Proprietary information hidden, Proprietary information hidden]
If we delete Proprietary information hidden from fetch version in server, will it automatically remove that folder from runtime cache folder?