Pegasystems Inc.
Last activity: 1 Mar 2021 21:37 EST
Upper case and Lower case issue with PostgreSQL database
In PostgreSQL, database objects name (column name, table name, etc) are handled in lower case. This is by their design, and it's not up to Pega. Let's say, we create a class and properties with letters that starts with upper case (This is a Java/Pega standard practice) as below.
Pega Platform automatically creates a table and columns as below - all with lower case letters.
This may sometimes cause an issue. For example, if you use Obj-Browse method in an activity to retrieve data from this table, it loads them all with lower case letters - hence you won't be able to reference the data by Property name.
In order to avoid this issue, you'll need to map them in the class form as below.
In PostgreSQL, database objects name (column name, table name, etc) are handled in lower case. This is by their design, and it's not up to Pega. Let's say, we create a class and properties with letters that starts with upper case (This is a Java/Pega standard practice) as below.
Pega Platform automatically creates a table and columns as below - all with lower case letters.
This may sometimes cause an issue. For example, if you use Obj-Browse method in an activity to retrieve data from this table, it loads them all with lower case letters - hence you won't be able to reference the data by Property name.
In order to avoid this issue, you'll need to map them in the class form as below.
This issue has been a while but is there any enhancement yet? It doesn't happen in Oracle.
FYI, below link talks about the same issue but there is not applicable solution provided.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update Platform Capability tags****