Robotics : RDA Bot freeze issue due to chrome applications
We have a RDA bot, which launches multiple applications, (1 IE, 1 Windows, 3 Chrome) via bot to perform desired functionality. The bot works fine in most of the scenarios when the users are interacting with the bot frequently.
We have been observing BOT freezing issue if the users are being idle for sometime (may be 30 min more), when we encounter BOT freezing, users are not able to access the applications launched by the bot manually as it goes into not responding state, forcing them to close the BOT from the task manager and relaunch the BOT.
one of the troubleshoot we found was, by killing the "Messaginghost.exe" (as this .exe runs when we launch universal web adapter) from the task manager, all the chrome applications were closed and rest of the applications started responding.
How can we avoid the freeze issue with chrome applications, we find Pega.Remoting.InvokeNotHandledException exception occurrence during the idle time of BOT.
Please assist in resolving this issue,