Last activity: 30 Dec 2020 9:28 EST
how to mention logs for debugging in SQL function alias
We are using Pega 7.2.2 and I have got a functional alias(SQL). I'm calling this from a report definition and it is getting called as well. The problem is I have got few conditions in the functional alias and I don't know which condition is getting executed. Is there any way to have log statements or console logs which would be useful to debug. Below is the code which I have -
(Case When ({2} IS NOT NULL AND {4} IS NULL AND {3} IS NOT NULL) Then 'Completed' When ({2} IS NOT NULL AND {4} IS NULL AND {3} IS NULL) Then 'Not Completed' When ({2} IS NOT NULL AND {4} IS NOT NULL) Then 'Not Completed' When {2} IS NULL Then 'Not Completed' End)
Any pointers would be much appreciated.