How to create custom Treatment
is it possible to create Custom Treatment in Pega Marketing 8.3 and use them into an offer flow?
We need to send a "complex" Push notification, whitout the ootb capabilities offer by Pega, via API.The push object is a complex object that contains a template for iOS or Android + custom HTML body
All the elements will be delivered (push + HTML) withing the same body to a mobile App and displayed as different thing (normal push notification + persited HTML message inside the app).
I can create a custom table with all the details of my treatment and select them based on Strategy, but I want if possible to avoid customization in the treatment management.
How can I create a treatment where I can add different custom fields like:
- title
- body
- icon
- link to URL
- OS (iOS/Android)
and for the HTML template
- title
- body
- icon
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update Platform Capability tags****