
Ernst & Young LLP
Last activity: 21 Oct 2019 14:54 EDT
Manage Dependent Roles
In PRPC v4, there is now an option to define dependent role of an Access role (in the definition of the Access role).
As per PRPC help - Manage dependent roles – Click to add, change, or delete a role or roles from which the access role inherits all the privileges and access rights.
Has anyone able to utilize this feature so far in this version of PRPC?
If I define an Access role (say, XYZ), which has PegaRULES:WorkMgr4 and PegaRULES:User4 defined as dependent role in it's definition, PRPC doesn't seem to inherit those dependent roles/privileges.
In PRPC v4, there is now an option to define dependent role of an Access role (in the definition of the Access role).
As per PRPC help - Manage dependent roles – Click to add, change, or delete a role or roles from which the access role inherits all the privileges and access rights.
Has anyone able to utilize this feature so far in this version of PRPC?
If I define an Access role (say, XYZ), which has PegaRULES:WorkMgr4 and PegaRULES:User4 defined as dependent role in it's definition, PRPC doesn't seem to inherit those dependent roles/privileges.
This problem becomes more apparent when I set XYZ as the only access role of one my user's access group and also enable 'Stop access checking once a relevant Access of Role to Object instance explicitly denies or grants access' option in that access group. If you check this setup, you will find you won't be able to login with the user of that access group anymore as that user now lacks all required OOTB privileges.
Let me know if it is an known bug or I misunderstood this feature.
Thanks in advance.