
Last activity: 7 Jan 2020 14:55 EST
Cases belong to different applications to be accessed without switching access groups
Our requirement is to support cases belong to different applications to be accessed in the same portal without switching access groups manually by end users.
This is our design approach. End users will have generic framework level access(derived from a separate authorization service). We will have an identifier to designate the case belongs to which application. We will have to dynamically switch the application based on the identifier in the application, by setting active access group of the thread every time the case is accessed. This solution not only solves the purpose but also will make the class structure look cleaner. Will there be any inadvertent effects in switching application dynamically? Is there any other better approach? What things do we really need to consider for SLA processing/Services/Agent processing?
***Edited by Moderator: Lochan to update platform capability tags***