
Last activity: 12 Nov 2019 8:06 EST
Asynchronous response from service to Connector
Hi All,
My Question is where will be the response from the service will be saved when we use a soap connector and make it work asynchronously??
My Implementation
1. Created a connector and changed the "intended for" field to queue in Processing option of service tab.
2. Created a request process rule and applied it in the "request" processor in "Processing option" of "service" tab.
3. Created an activity and applied the connect-soap step to call the connector with execution mode queue.
Now If i run the activity the connector rule is being called and a queue item is getting created in "System-Queue-ExecutionRequest-Connect-Default" class.
After sometime the agent "Process connect queue" is running and it is calling the service as expected.
After the call the queue item has been flagged as success.
Here my question is .. Where I can find the response returned from the service?
The activity which i called the connect rule is already ended. Is there any place that the response is getting saved so we can fetch that data and append it to the object ??
I just verified the queue item and it does not have the response details..
Appreciate your quick response :)
***Edited by Moderator: Lochan to update platform capability tags***