
Lanit Laboratoriya Novykh Informatsionnykh Tekhnologii
Last activity: 4 Feb 2019 8:15 EST
select all pages with certain value from page list
I have the following problem:
I have a page list ParticipantList (let say page list of Participant data type) and I want to find all participants with DealRole = 2
(assume data type Participant has the following fields: text DealRole, text Name, text mobile)
How can I do that?
I cannot use IsInPageList, because this problem appears here:
I want to create an UI form dynamics layout which display name of all participant with DealRole=2
So I need to append a cell in layout and write in property .ParticipantList(???).Name
I dont know what I should write in place of ???
Because as I know in page list we can write only digits (the order of participant in page list)
So here I need to know exactly which the order of participant whith DealRole=2
(we can assume that there exists 0 or 1 participant in page lists with this property)
Can smbd help me?
What should I use? Is there some special utilities for that?
***Edited by Moderator: Pallavi to update platform capability tags***