Coforge Technologies (Erstwhile Incessant Technologies)
Last activity: 8 Nov 2018 8:40 EST
Compliance Score page is not loading in Guardrails indefinitely, 7.4 version
When i am trying to open Compliance Score page by clicking on Guardrails from designer studio menu, it is loading indefinitely, without showing any response or error.
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Pegasystems Inc.
Do you see any alerts generated?
Coforge Technologies (Erstwhile Incessant Technologies)
No, I can't see any alerts
Pegasystems Inc.
What do you see when running Tracer? Do you have another environment where it works that you could compare Tracer results?
Coforge Technologies (Erstwhile Incessant Technologies)
Thanks for the response, I don't have other environment, system is getting hang when i try to click on "Compliance Score" tab.
Coforge Technologies (Erstwhile Incessant Technologies)
Below is the query error i could see in the logs.
Below is the query error i could see in the logs.
Query: WITH app_rulesets_pc0 AS ( SELECT "PC0AR".pzRuleSetName AS "pzRuleSetName", "PC0AR".pzRuleSetVersionMajor AS "pzRuleSetVersionMajor", "PC0AR".pzRuleSetVersionMinor AS "pzRuleSetVersionMinor", "PC0AR".pzRuleSetVersionPatch AS "pzRuleSetVersionPatch" , "PC0AR"."pzRuleSetOverallOrder" AS "pzRuleSetOverallOrder", "PC0AR".pzRuleSetVersionMinorPatch AS "pzRuleSetVersionMinorPatch" FROM ( SELECT "PC0AR".pzRuleSetName, "PC0AR".pzRuleSetVersionMajor, "PC0AR".pzRuleSetVersionMinor, "PC0AR".pzRuleSetVersionPatch, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY "PC0AR".pzRuleSetName ORDER BY "PC0AH".pzAppHeight) AS "pzRuleSetOrder" , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "PC0AH".pzAppHeight, "PC0AR".pzRuleSetIndex) AS "pzRuleSetOverallOrder" , "PC0AR".pzRuleSetVersionMinorPatch FROM CDCM_RULES.pr_sys_app_hierarchy_flat "PC0AH" INNER JOIN CDCM_RULES.pr_sys_app_ruleset_index "PC0AR" ON ("PC0AH".pzAppHash = "PC0AR".pzAppHash) WHERE "PC0AH".pzTopAppHash = ? AND "PC0AH".pzAppName IN (? ) ) "PC0AR" WHERE "PC0AR"."pzRuleSetOrder" = 1 ) ,rr_inheritance_pc0 AS ( SELECT "r".pzInsKey, "r".pyRuleAvailable, "r".pyClassName, "r".pyRuleSet, "r".pyRuleSetVersion, "r".pxInsId, "r".pyClass, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY "r".pxInsId, "r".pyClass, "r".pyClassName ORDER BY "i"."pzRuleSetOverallOrder", "r".pyRuleSetVersion DESC) AS "rank_idx", DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY "r".pxInsId, "r".pyClass, "r".pyClassName) AS "group_idx" FROM CDCM_RULES.pr4_rule_vw "r" INNER JOIN app_rulesets_pc0 "i" ON ("r".pyRuleSet = "i"."pzRuleSetName") AND ("r".pzRuleSetVersionMajor = "i"."pzRuleSetVersionMajor" AND "r".pzRuleSetVersionMinorPatch <= "i"."pzRuleSetVersionMinorPatch") WHERE "r".pxObjClass = ? AND "r".pyRuleAvailable != 'No' AND "r".pyCircumstanceType IS NULL AND "r".pyRuleStarts IS NULL AND "r".pyRuleEnds IS NULL AND "r".pzClassType = 0 ) , bc_inheritance_pc0 AS ( SELECT "r".pzInsKey FROM ( SELECT "r".pzInsKey, "r".pyRuleAvailable FROM ( SELECT "s".pzInsKey, "s".pyRuleAvailable, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY "s"."group_idx" ORDER BY "s"."rank_idx") AS "finalRank" FROM CDCM_RULES.pr4_rule_vw "r" INNER JOIN app_rulesets_pc0 "i" ON ( "r".pyRuleSet = "i"."pzRuleSetName" AND ("r".pzRuleSetVersionMajor = "i"."pzRuleSetVersionMajor" AND "r".pzRuleSetVersionMinorPatch <= "i"."pzRuleSetVersionMinorPatch") AND "r".pzClassType = 0 AND "r".pyCircumstanceType IS NULL AND "r".pyRuleStarts IS NULL AND "r".pyRuleEnds IS NULL AND "r".pyRuleAvailable = 'Withdrawn' ) RIGHT OUTER JOIN rr_inheritance_pc0 "s" ON ( "r".pxInsId = "s".pxInsId AND "r".pyClass = "s".pyClass AND "r".pyClassName = "s".pyClassName AND "r".pyRuleSet = "s".pyRuleSet AND "r".pyRuleSetVersion >= "s".pyRuleSetVersion ) WHERE "r".pzInsKey IS NULL ) "r" WHERE "r"."finalRank" = 1 ) "r" WHERE "r".pyRuleAvailable != 'Blocked' ) , rr_wo_inheritance_pc0 AS ( SELECT "r".pzInsKey, "r".pyRuleAvailable, "r".pyClassName, "r".pyRuleSet, "r".pyRuleSetVersion, "r".pxInsId, "r".pyClass, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY "r".pxInsId, "r".pyClass ORDER BY "i"."pzRuleSetOverallOrder", "r".pyRuleSetVersion DESC) AS "rank_idx", DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY "r".pxInsId, "r".pyClass) AS "group_idx" FROM CDCM_RULES.pr4_rule_vw "r" INNER JOIN app_rulesets_pc0 "i" ON ("r".pyRuleSet = "i"."pzRuleSetName") AND ("r".pzRuleSetVersionMajor = "i"."pzRuleSetVersionMajor" AND "r".pzRuleSetVersionMinorPatch <= "i"."pzRuleSetVersionMinorPatch") WHERE "r".pxObjClass = ? AND "r".pyRuleAvailable != 'No' AND "r".pyCircumstanceType IS NULL AND "r".pyRuleStarts IS NULL AND "r".pyRuleEnds IS NULL AND "r".pzClassType = 1 ) , bc_wo_inheritance_pc0 AS ( SELECT "r".pzInsKey FROM ( SELECT "r".pzInsKey, "r".pyRuleAvailable FROM ( SELECT "s".pzInsKey, "s".pyRuleAvailable, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY "s"."group_idx" ORDER BY "s"."rank_idx") AS "finalRank" FROM CDCM_RULES.pr4_rule_vw "r" INNER JOIN app_rulesets_pc0 "i" ON ( "r".pyRuleSet = "i"."pzRuleSetName" AND ("r".pzRuleSetVersionMajor = "i"."pzRuleSetVersionMajor" AND "r".pzRuleSetVersionMinorPatch <= "i"."pzRuleSetVersionMinorPatch") AND "r".pzClassType = 1 AND "r".pyCircumstanceType IS NULL AND "r".pyRuleStarts IS NULL AND "r".pyRuleEnds IS NULL AND "r".pyRuleAvailable = 'Withdrawn' ) RIGHT OUTER JOIN rr_wo_inheritance_pc0 "s" ON ( "r".pxInsId = "s".pxInsId AND "r".pyClass = "s".pyClass AND "r".pyRuleSet = "s".pyRuleSet AND "r".pyRuleSetVersion >= "s".pyRuleSetVersion ) WHERE "r".pzInsKey IS NULL ) "r" WHERE "r"."finalRank" = 1 ) "r" WHERE "r".pyRuleAvailable != 'Blocked' ) , non_rr_rules_pc0 AS ( SELECT "r".pzInsKey FROM CDCM_RULES.pr4_rule_vw "r" INNER JOIN app_rulesets_pc0 "i" ON ("r".pyRuleSet = "i"."pzRuleSetName") WHERE COALESCE("r".pyRuleAvailable, 'Yes') != 'No' AND "r".pyCircumstanceType IS NULL AND "r".pyRuleStarts IS NULL AND "r".pyRuleEnds IS NULL AND "r".pzClassType = 2 ) , resolved_rules_pc0 AS ( SELECT pzInsKey FROM bc_inheritance_pc0 UNION ALL SELECT pzInsKey FROM bc_wo_inheritance_pc0 UNION ALL SELECT pzInsKey FROM non_rr_rules_pc0 ) SELECT "W"."PXWARNINGSEVERITY" AS "pxWarningSeverity" , "W"."PXISWARNINGJUSTIFIED" AS "pxIsWarningJustified" , COUNT(DISTINCT "W"."PZINSKEY") AS "pySummaryCount(1)" FROM CDCM_RULES.pr4_rule_vw "PC0" INNER JOIN resolved_rules_pc0 "resolved_rules_pc0" ON ("PC0".pzInsKey = "resolved_rules_pc0".pzInsKey) LEFT OUTER JOIN CDCM_RULES.pr_index_warnings "W" ON ( ( "PC0"."PZINSKEY" = "W"."PXREFERENCINGRULEINSKEY" ) AND "PC0"."PXOBJCLASS" = ? AND "W"."PXOBJCLASS" = ? ) WHERE ( "PC0"."PYCLASS" <> ? AND "PC0"."PYRULESET" NOT LIKE ? AND ( "PC0"."PYMETHODSTATUS" <> ? OR "PC0"."PYMETHODSTATUS" IS NULL ) ) AND "PC0"."PXOBJCLASS" = ? GROUP BY "W"."PXWARNINGSEVERITY" , "W"."PXISWARNINGJUSTIFIED" ORDER BY 1 ASC, 3 DESC, 2 ASC
Coforge Technologies (Erstwhile Incessant Technologies)
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