Document Landing Page in Dev Studio of Pega 8.1
We have Document Landing Page in App Studio of Pega 8.1 ,
But what is the path of Document Landing Page in Dev Studio of Pega 8.1
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We have Document Landing Page in App Studio of Pega 8.1 ,
But what is the path of Document Landing Page in Dev Studio of Pega 8.1
Hi Shivaram,
Please refer to the below article from Dev Studio 8.1 help system for documents landing page:
HI Inakh
Please read question, it is NOT about how to create Document , Query is about Document Landing Page in Dev Studio of Pega 8.1.
If Document Landing Page is not available in Dev Studio, what's the reason.
Using "PegaSocial-Document" navigation path, you can view documents landing page in Dev studio. Please find the screen shot below :
Screen shot is showing the instances of Document , but not easy to use Document Landing page like App Studio, where you will get option to pin the document also.
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