Last activity: 12 Oct 2018 4:24 EDT
Unable to get product list in Deployment Request in DevOps Accelerator Pack 7.2
I tried all the above stetps, but still I am unable to get the products in the dropdown. Could you kindly help. I can share some details if you need.
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update SR Details***
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Accepted Solution
Hi Djibril,
I was able to populate the product list finally after following your latest instruction. Thanks a lot for your continued help. It was really helpfull. Now I will need a little help in the jenkins configuration. Hope thats not asking for too much :)
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Shoeb,
Please make sure that your operator ID configured in your source server is pointing on the correct Presto generated access group. This will define ruleset scope within the deployment request.
Hi Djibril,
Thanks a lot for replying.
I just need to clarify the steps I followed during installation:
1. Imported the jars and the server package in a Pega installation.
2. Imported the jars and the client package in a different Pega installation.
3. Created an operator in the Pega Instance where i installed the server package with the Presto:Administrator access group version 07.20.
4. Created an operator in the Pega Instance where i installed the client package with the Presto:Client access group version 07.20.
5. Logged into the client Pega instance as Presto Client and connected to the development server with the Prestoclient id and then subscribed to the application.
6. Now logged into the Server Pega instance and created Application, Release deployment request subsequently.
Now in the product dropdown, i cannot see the products i created with the concerned application refference.
Could you kindly guide as to where I am going wrong. Thank you once again
If Djibril is not available, can any other moderator please respond on this. I raised an SR but was routed to this community. SR-C61713.
Can somebody please help me on this issue. I have followed all the process of the installations and still facing issue.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Shoeb,
You need to make sure that the Lead Developer user configured in your source server where the product has been created is pointing on the correct Presto generated access group. This will drive connection to the source server and product list retrieval. If the access group is not correct product list won't show correct list.
Mounica Seelamantula
Hi Djibril,
If you could kindly verify the below things:
1. I installed the server jar on a standalone server. - We are calling it Release Manager Server.
2. I installed the client jar on the development server. - We are calling it the Release Manager Client.
3. The source is also the Development Server and the package needs to be deployed from the development environment to SIT environment.
4. When you say source server, you mean the server from where the product is to be migrated from.
Now could you please let me know clearly the steps after installation. I followed the attached document that I found with the pack.
Also an additional question, I have installed the Client on the Development Server. I hope that is fine.
Pegasystems Inc.
Yes the source server is where the product is to be migrated from.
Yes the source server is where the product is to be migrated from.
It's an environment that you've created as part of your application in Deployment Manager. Now you must ensure that the lead developer on that source server has the proper access group to see your products.If you are able to create a deployment request this means that you installation is correct so no remarks on the step.
Please double check and let me know.
Updated: 26 Sep 2018 7:28 EDT
Hi Djibril,
I created a new access group and a new application that is built on the Presto Application and my Project's application which is also the one in context of the product. I have given access to this access group to the lead developer that I am using while configuring the environments in the Release. I am still unable to find the products. I was only getting the default products in the list, but not the product that I created. Few points to be noted regarding the infrastructure:
1. Since our Pega version is on 7.2.2, we used the server for 7.2.2 and not the server for 7.2 in general.
2. Since we are unable to add application of the Presto accessgroup due to password lock, we created a new application and an accessgoup with the built on application as the PegaPRESTO 7.20 and the project's default application to which I subscribed from the RM client/Devlopment server.
3. When trying to enter the lead ID which is having the accessgroup created in step 2, in the Environment section in the release request, the name is not fetched. After clicking on the gear icon for an environment, i entered the same dev lead operator id with the environment details. When I tried to check the connection status from Manage Env option, I get a HTTP 403 error for all the environments.
Please help me. Is it possible to have a screenshare with you regarding this issue. Or at least a phone call will also help. Please respond. <Removed> I really need your help.
Hi Djibril,
I created a new access group and a new application that is built on the Presto Application and my Project's application which is also the one in context of the product. I have given access to this access group to the lead developer that I am using while configuring the environments in the Release. I am still unable to find the products. I was only getting the default products in the list, but not the product that I created. Few points to be noted regarding the infrastructure:
1. Since our Pega version is on 7.2.2, we used the server for 7.2.2 and not the server for 7.2 in general.
2. Since we are unable to add application of the Presto accessgroup due to password lock, we created a new application and an accessgoup with the built on application as the PegaPRESTO 7.20 and the project's default application to which I subscribed from the RM client/Devlopment server.
3. When trying to enter the lead ID which is having the accessgroup created in step 2, in the Environment section in the release request, the name is not fetched. After clicking on the gear icon for an environment, i entered the same dev lead operator id with the environment details. When I tried to check the connection status from Manage Env option, I get a HTTP 403 error for all the environments.
Please help me. Is it possible to have a screenshare with you regarding this issue. Or at least a phone call will also help. Please respond. <Removed> I really need your help.
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Removed Personal Information***
Hi Djibril,
Could you please help me on this. I have commented above as to what are the steps I have followed.
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Shoeb, Your Lead Developer opertor ID must use the Presto access group which is normally pointing on your Wrapper application prefixed by PegaPRESTO_<YourAppplication>. This wrapper application should have been generated via the PRESTO Portal application. Try also to restart both client and server to make sure context is clean after all your changes. If still not working i'll see if we can have a screenshare. Kind Regards, Djibril
Piyush Tiwari Aarati Bamaniya Jerfeson Guerra da Silva
Updated: 26 Sep 2018 7:20 EDT
Could you help me with the password for the Presto application that is created once we install the package.
***Moderator Edit-Vidyaranjan: Removed Personal Information***
Accepted Solution
Hi Djibril,
I was able to populate the product list finally after following your latest instruction. Thanks a lot for your continued help. It was really helpfull. Now I will need a little help in the jenkins configuration. Hope thats not asking for too much :)
Pegasystems Inc.
Hi Shoeb,
Gald to hear that you are now able to populate the product list. Do you mind marking the reply with the instructions as the Correct Answer and creating a new post for your use case on Jenkins configuration? Individual discussions threads that focus on individual issues/use cases will help other community members who have the same requirement and can help bring on increased focus on your post.