Tetrasoft India Private Limited
Last activity: 19 Sep 2018 5:55 EDT
how to set a specific timezone for date time picker without giving any default value
I am using PRPC 7.3.1 and using date time picker at different places within the application. I need to set specific timezone for the datetime picker throughout the application without using any default value and irrespective of client machine locale and timezone.
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Updated: 18 Sep 2018 9:32 EDT
Ok, so I took some pain to actually work this for you ;)
In Data-admin-operatorID>>Datatransform>>pyDefault there is a property "pyUseLocaleForDateFormat" Where you can set your desired locale.
Save the pyDefault in your ruleset and set the locale to "pyUseLocaleForDateFormat" and then create a new operator ID.
Validate the data in the clipboard, which should hold value in GMT format specific to the locale.
Tetrasoft India Private Limited
Tetrasoft India Private Limited
Also, can you verify this for DateTime picker having no default value? Because dates and times are working fine in general, the issue is only with displaying EST timezone for DateTime picker with no default value
Tetrasoft India Private Limited
Referring to following post:
where it is suggested to
Changing the locale for your current session
To change the locale for the current session, you need to override some locale settings.
Select Designer Studio>User Interface > Localization Tools > Locale Settings
If desired, click Settings to review current locale settings.
Complete the panel.
Click Update.
Close the window.
I tried changing the locale settings in my application
But the not able to edit "Client Preferred Timezone" there. (Refer attachment)
It is read only in behavior.
Hello Swathi,
In General in PRPC for Date control, locale is captured from "pyUserLocale". To override specifically for dateformats I have used "pyUserLocaleforDateFormat".
I have tested the requirement in this way.
I have set the "pyUserLocaleforDateFormat" to "ja_JP"
Then created the new Operator ID and validate the changes via viewXML or login by new operator and pxRequestor page from the clipboard.
I have configured the date control in my work object and saved the values to DB. When I verified the GMT format from clipboard comparing with DB value I see GMT+9hours difference.
For timezone, I don't think we have specific property/flag to set it in Pega. For locale you an use the above one and validate the date caluculation as mentioned above.
Tetrasoft India Private Limited
Hi Naveen,
Strange but I tried it already with no luck.
Can you please confirm if it works even if you are running the use case on a VM with different timezone (say IST) ?
Tetrasoft India Private Limited
In this link, there was no resolution given. You may open it once.