Capability on DevOps DM 02-01-03
we have configured DevOps following versions with pega platform 7.3.1. Everything is working as expected and client raised concern about two areas as follows which require community help to see the feasibility with mentioned DevOps versions.
Please provide recommendation / feasibility on following two points with provided versions,
1. is it possible to rollback any deployment via DM application. Ex Deployment Manager will deploy 01-18-01 product file to Test environment and due to failure or some reason, Deployment manager wants to rollback 01-18-01 from Test environment? what are the feasible ways to meet this requirement with DM 02.01.03
2. if client has more App servers in one region, as a part of build deployment will clear the static assembly cache or is that going to be a manual process?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update SR Details***