TATA Consultancy Services Inc
Last activity: 6 Jul 2018 22:55 EDT
Unable to save an Excel file when the process is started by remote process in background
We have a bot that it needs to modify, create and move Excel file, in general the project works fine in a RDS server session, the server is Windows 2012 R2, but when the same bot is invoked by remote method like scheduler or wmic command simply the excel file wasn't updated or saved with the new data or changes did by bot, someone Did you know if is necesary modify some configuration or properti into the runtime configuration or designer studio?
As previous research I tell you we check the DCOM configuration, systemprofile and Desktop folder configuration, others configurations like don't use temporary folder per sesion, even run RUNTIME as administrator trhough the batch file, but the mistake is persistent.
Thanks in advance.