
Last activity: 29 Oct 2018 9:02 EDT
Default agents (SendCorr) is running but Scheduled Queue entries are not processed
When ever an email correspondence is created, this is properly place in the System-Queue-DefaultEntry queue for processing, but for some reason the queue items are not picket up from the queue.
In the logs I dont see any error. What could be the cause of this?
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update platform capability tags; added SR Details***
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Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Upon reviewing the associated SR, I see that the resolution was as follows:
"Issue is resolved after changing the Java random option to Urandom."
If you have the same issue, please do what was suggested above.

Also in Agent Management the column for Last Run is empty when the agent SendCorr is running. Once i stop the agent the last run column will be filled. After restart column will stay empty. See screenshot.

I see now that the mails are processed after couple of hours. In the Agent Schedule the interval for SendCorr is set to 30 seconds! Which other configuration could affect this delay?

Any ideas? Anyone?

Pegasystems Inc.
Can you trace the agent to see if it processing the items as expected? Are there a large number of correspondence queue items to process that the agent is still trying to work through a backlog?
Muthukumaran Prabhakar Vijaya Kolli

There are a couple items in the queue, so the threshold is not the issue.
When tracing the agent it stays on: Waiting for agent run start...
and after a minute it says: Unable to find agent requestor within 1 minute(s)
SendCorr agent has been set on 30 seconds, but queue items (couple) get processed after several hours..

Pegasystems Inc.
It sounds like it didn't find any items to pick up. If you enable the DB Query event type in the trace you will see the query generated. What is the pyMinimumDateTimeForProcessing on the Scheduled items in the queue?

I checked the DB query and Queue Processing type and all the events, but nothings shows up in the trace (waited 2 minutes).
I created a new case with a correspondence as output en the scheduled item shows the following MinimumDateTimeForProcessing:
<pyMinimumDateTimeForProcessing>20180615T113109.551 GMT</pyMinimumDateTimeForProcessing>
Timezone in the xml is GMT, my server and local time zone is GMT + 2 (EST) However if you convert the GMT time to my local time, then it's correct. Technically the scheduled item should be available for processing by the agent,..

Pegasystems Inc.
I would need to see the issue on you system. If no one else has any other suggestions, you could open an SR so an engineer can review the issue on your system.
Charishma Devi Valluri

I created a SR: SR-C40349
Accepted Solution

Pegasystems Inc.
Upon reviewing the associated SR, I see that the resolution was as follows:
"Issue is resolved after changing the Java random option to Urandom."
If you have the same issue, please do what was suggested above.
Bob Reawaruw

Incessant Technologies
Hi Marissa,
We are also facing same issue. We want to try the same fix.
Please let us know, in which activity we need to do this change as in activity send, Java step is blank.
Thank you,
Daria Mamaeva