Apply dynamic collation using SQL function
Hi -
We are using Pega 7.22 and Postgres 9.4.x as backend database. The application supports multiple language having accented characters. Problems is that, "contains" filter is applied for datatable views, values containing accented characters are not getting filtered. Root cause is database UPPER function is not translating the accented characters to uppercase with default Collation C.
As a fix, we are thinking of applying SQL functions over the user defined text columns, to apply COLLATION at runtime. But the problem is that when we are applying hard coded collation inside SQL function such as "{1} COLLATE "en_US" " it is working fine but if we try drive the collation with a second parameter, like "{1} COLLATE {2} " pega is not able to generate proper query and failing.
Let us know if anybody has faced similar issue and fixed it. Or if there can be other ways to fix this issue from Pega side or database side (no hardcoded language specific COLLATION)