
ING Belgium SA NV
Last activity: 10 Feb 2020 4:16 EST
on click event for checkbox control under Repeating grid is not working as expected
I have configured checkbox in Repeating grid layout and I need to run the activity on click of checkbox.
when i configure the checkbox, which is not under repeating grid layout, it is working fine. The issue is that on click activity is not running when the check box is configured in Repeating grid layout.
I tried to change the 'Row editable ' in Repeating layout properties in presentation tab. But that doesn't help.
Kindly advice whether its default behavior or Am i missing something here?
Kindly advice if i can run any java scripts on click of checkbox to solve this issue if any. Using Pega 7.1.9
Thanks in Advance !!!
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update categories***