Last activity: 2 Jan 2018 11:54 EST
Pega Mashup error handling
Hi team,
I need small help in one of the scenario I am facing, we have a external team who provides us the Pega Mashup which we integrate in our web application. I am using code similar to below:
<div id="PegaGadgetA"
data-pega-action = "display"
data-pega-harnessName = "PegaWebAssignList"
data-pega-classname = "Assign-Worklist"
data-pega-isreadonly = "true"
data-pega-threadname = "ThreadA"
data-pega-applicationname = "AutoClaim"
Now I want to handle scenario like when due to some reasons Pega mashup would not be able to load complete content, then I need to do some check and avoid showing user the mashup instead of broken html. Is there anyway to handle this scenario or can you suggest me some tips? Since both are in different domains, I cannot do if Iframe has been loaded or not, or checking if some element inside iframe is visible.
It would be great if you help me in this.
***1/2/2018, edited by moderator, Maryrita: moved to Product Support from Applications***
***Edited by Moderator Marissa to update categories***